Keith Mexsom

I have been writing fiction and non-fiction for more than 40 years and I have had a good deal of magazine and newspaper experience in both New Zealand and Australia as a publisher, editor, sub-editor, journalist, feature writer, and copywriter – working in both a team environment and as a freelancer. I am now living in New South Wales after having lived in Auckland for nearly 40 years.

I have a Graduate Diploma in Journalism Studies from Massey University (2009) and in 2008 I was awarded the Freelance Writer category of the 2007/2008 Statistics New Zealand Journalism Award. In that same year, I was also the recipient of the Bruce Jesson Critical Writing Award which included a grant toward the writing of a book about certain aspects of Auckland’s transport history.
That start resulted in the publication, some years later, of Waka Paddle to Gas Pedal and Gas Pedal to Back-Pedal - as featured at this website.

More than 40 years as a journalist, feature writer and copywriter, and 7 years as an editor and sub-editor.